Data contains directoroes and files as follows: All predicted binding sites for protein (PPI), RNA, ATP, DNA etc. bs-preds-arabi.tar.gz Summary features generated from binding site and amino acid composition, for use in DBP prediction. sequence-bs-features.txt Gene expression equal frequency bins based on their rank values at a global scale. exp-bin-breaks-20.txt Gene expression profiles for all genes in the expression array of arabidopsis (GPL198 from GEO) distribited in the breaks defined above. expdata-histo-20bins.txt Co-expression (Preason correlation) values equal frequency bin definitions for the entire data as above. coexp-bin-breaks-20.txt Co-expression values of each query genes with all others in the database. coexpdata-histos-20bins.txt Gene ontology distribution for the top co-expressed genes for every query gene. gene-cgomatrix.txt Gene ontology terms associated with each gene in GPL198. gene-gomatrix.txt Mapping of affymetrix probe ID to a gene name. probe-gene-map.txt List of genes with a mapping available with a Uniprot protein. common-uniprot